Sunday 19 January 2020

Brhadaranyaka Upanisad - Soma and Pneuma

There is ‘soma’ and there is ‘pneuma’. Now the bodiless spirits in Hades have a poor attenuated existence, pale shades squeaking like bats in the gloom. Christian theology holds to a ‘soma pneumatikos’ (spiritual body), the body being integral for personal immortality. Vedic thought has it that the mind/body dyad is a false one. Mind/Body is run together in the notion of the Jiva or incarnate individual. This unit is pervaded by consciousness. How would such a theory gain any credence; what would suggest it? Yoga with its disciplines of pranayama (breath control) and dhyana (mediation) is based on the concept of bio feedback. Control the breath and you control the mind. Combining breathing with a mantra is a favourite technique. Body and mind are interacting without difficulty. In other word ‘soma’ is ‘pneumatikos’. According to the Bhagavad Gita the thought at the moment of death underwrites your destination in the next life. I have a note on the esoteric doctrine of the linga sarira
subtle body
a theory of the bridgehead between lives.

How is the identification of the self and the intellect such a common error? Here we must introduce the concept of upadhi or limiting adjunct/form of limitation.

As a separate post.

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