Wednesday 29 May 2019

Get Out on Netflix

I don’t keep up so I missed the accolades for Get Out now on Netflix. I’m not going to say a word about it so that there may be others who get the delightful surprise. When a situation is very miserable describing it in close detail can overwhelm the impulse of sympathy. Satire is more effective. By inversion or inhabiting the mind that we wish to swinge it is possible to show its cruelty.

Somehow in my reading I find that the French Revolution has become a focus. I hop from The French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle, Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke and A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel. Mantel suffers by propinquity with the masters of cadence but worse still I am not getting sense of how Danton, Desmoulins and Robespierre became such blood boltered scoundrels. Where’s the foundation in everyday evil? She’s not a very good writer and the grouting of domestic detail indicates this gap. Liberals lack a sense of evil.

Which reminds me that 15 years later (1804) the ‘ternaire sacre’ became Liberty, Equality and Property in relation to Haiti where the new republic had to indemnify the slave owners for their loss. This amounted to 40 billion dollars (2010 calculation) and was not paid until 1947. cf. indemnity

The chains were gold Jean-Jacques: each link a gold franc.

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