Tuesday 27 September 2022

Enoch Burke is still in Jail

 So Enoch Burke has been in jail for 3 weeks and no sign of resolution.  The only way they can get rid of him is to admit to constructive dismissal and pay him damages.  Why constructive dismissal?  Because when he was hired there was probably nothing in his contract about ‘dead’ names and preferred pronouns.  Mr. Burke would not have accepted this at that time.  This being a new thing for the school he is within his rights to say ‘I didn’t sign up for this’ and you can’t demand it of me.  At this point leaving him in jail will be interpreted as vindictive.   Hate speech laws are not in place yet and they are sure to be very controversial.  Most people can distinguish between  hate speech and compelled speech.  Both are different forms of fatuous authoritarianism.  The media that continues to say that Mr. Burke is keeping himself in jail through not purging his contempt are not effective against the truth that he is a teacher who is resisting the lunacy that humans are bio-machines that can be tinkered with and modified limitlessly to the extent that a boy can become a girl.   Is it a precursor of the more ambitious program of transhumanism?  Possibly.  Both are symptoms of the dismissal of God and nature.

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