Thursday 24 June 2021

Jordan Peterson and Ideology

 When Jordan Peterson is talking about ideology with that uvula swallowing ‘o’ pronunciation,  what is he talking about?  In my view it is simply this -  a philosophy with a distinct human origin often traceable to a single individual or a group emerges, is taken up by philosophes, intelligentzia, right thinking people, bien pensants and so forth.  It is the flavour of the era.  Very quickly it tends to become dogmatic with fixed principles and modes of discourse.  Then is the time of the heresy sniffers and scryers of correctness.  As a human ideational construct it ought to be constantly mutating but it doesn’t. Sublation runs into the sand.  

But isn’t religious belief like that? Is it not also an ideology?  The central difference is that religion is not of human origin and so its tenets are fixed by definition.  Its doctrines do not alter with the intellectual weather.  Mythology is another archetypal domain with an inner mirroring of the human psych which is constant and changeless.   Conservatism is an ideology that allows for slow organic change and resists rapid transitions.  Adaptation comes out of the slow wisdom of what works.  One size does not fit all societies.

Peterson is not an ideologue.  He runs with the archetypal pack.  His maps of meaning are not a personal cartography.

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