Monday 17 May 2021

Professor Murphy's Covidology Class

What was that movie that where there was a crowd standing round a man stricken by god knows what lying on the ground?   Then a fellow bustles through saying - make way please I’m a doctor.  He bends down before the man loosens his collar and calls for brandy please or whiskey.  Somebody hands him a flask out of a back pocket.  Our doctor takes a swig out of it and declares - ‘He’s dead’.

Such allopathy is a great way of steadying the nerves in a time of crisis and Richard Murphy is the doctor.  cf. :

covid's question, do we want to survive

Murphy is not a useful idiot for the Great Reset, his inutility is far more comprehensive than that though there is something of the same do re me about it with gentle grace notes of Marxist curse of capitalism, and pale Greenery in addition.  Covidology is an incipient science and you might say marks the alchemy stage preceding the full bloom of pseudo-scientific fatuity.  Mark this and you didn’t hear it first from me, society at large is coming to its senses after a period of enchantment.   The mixed messages that are coming from the bustling docs are being seen for what they are - decerebrate flailing.

Professor Murphy is an Englishman but his response is no different from that of our unique public intellectual Fintan O’Toole of the Irish Times.  With Gramsci sprinkles.  Society is to be remade and AC (after Covid) we will own nothing and we will be happy.  Sorry, that’s the other movie.

How many extra ICU beds did we get in Ireland?  Are there enough to deal with the ordinary flu in an ordinary flu season.  In 2009 the Health Service said 579 were needed, in September 2020 (last figures I can find) there were 280.  This was in answer to a parliamentary question and not one from the media who are now generally seen as the psi-ops division of the current administration.  Never mind, in a couple of years the present coalition will be gone and Sinn Fein will be along with their brand of fantasy politics.  Don’t cry for me Venezuela!

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