Sunday 28 February 2021

Covid 19 - The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret)

Protocols of the Elders of Davos:

To bounce reflections of one another, to bask in sublime self-regard and to taper off by having a plus Bono selfie which will never accrue much value due to their number.  If Mom could only see me now. Above it all the great polished dome of Der Schwab secreting guidance and excogitating the ‘The Great Reset’.

Davos is for  the top people the supreme junket where they can be inoculated with memes and have their brains recycled and re-purposed as the stuffing of a cuddly future.   Build back better with a vax pass that is the probe for a generalised system of surveillance.  While we are at it why not put on the card your medical history and your credit rating just to make it handy for reference.  It’s already known in any case.  The lies are open and transparent and presented with the clarity of a truth which is unashamed.  Covid is passed off as a plague on the same scale as the Black Death.

“Shame has been described and analysed in countless novels and literary texts written about historical outbreaks. It can take forms as radical and horrendous as parents abandoning their children to their fate. At the beginning of The Decameron , a series of novellas that tell the tale of a group of men and women sheltered in a villa as the Black Death ravaged Florence in 1348, Boccaccio writes that: “fathers and mothers were found to abandon their own children, untended, unvisited, to their fate”. In the same vein, numerous literary accounts of past pandemics, from Defoe’s A Journal of The Plague Year to Manzoni’s’ The Betrothed , relate how, so often, fear of death ends up overriding all other human emotions. In every situation, individuals are forced to make decisions about saving their own lives that result in profound shame because of the selfishness of their ultimate choice. Thankfully, there are always exceptions, as we saw most poignantly during COVID-19, such as among the nurses and doctors whose multiple acts of compassion and courage on so many occasions went well beyond the call of their professional duty. But they seem to be just that – exceptions.”

Look at the roll call of the deaths in the Irish Times article

lost to covid

What do you notice?  How many years have most of these individuals lost?  In Ireland until recently the death of an old person was not regarded as the occasion for lugubrious sorrow.  No; drinking, songs, a few tears, and more drink, would be the order of business.  You look at the grand children and think it’s all good, it goes on - ‘just a touch’.

The Schwabian mind is materialist, quite subject to external conditions and without resolution and stoicism in the face of difficulty.  ‘This too will pass’ as the motto of a sage is for the devotee of Davos  an impetus to abrogate the past and to achieve transhumanism.

This book is like a dystopian thought experiment.  How bad could things be if the worst aspects of our present polity were fortified?  The standard practice of this book is to arouse fear, dismay, dread, and general helplessness before producing with a flourish of corporate speak and greenwash, the perfect future that you can leave to them.

"The inability to make plans or engage in specific activities that used to be intrinsic parts of our normal life and vital sources of pleasure (like visiting family and friends abroad, planning ahead for the next term at university, applying for a new job) has the potential to leave us confused and demoralized. For many people, the strains and stresses of the immediate dilemmas that followed the end of lockdowns will last for months. Is it safe to go on public transport? Is it too risky to go to a favourite restaurant? Is it appropriate to visit this elderly family member or friend? For a long time to come, these very banal decisions will be tainted with a sense of dread – particularly for those who are vulnerable because of their age or health condition.”

This pathetic wally was born in 1938 in Ravensburg and must have lived through the ‘economic miracle’.  Nations get over catastrophe, build a few monuments and then forget.  Schwab demurs:

"Psychologists tell us that cognitive closure often calls for black-and-white thinking and simplistic solutions – a terrain propitious for conspiracy theories and the propagation of rumours, fake news, mistruths and other pernicious ideas.”

The mistruths that are shyly proffered as deep insights abound:

"Our attachment to those close to us strengthens, with a renewed sense of appreciation for all those we love: family and friends. But there is a darker side to this. It also triggers a rise in patriotic and nationalist sentiments, with troubling religious and ethnic considerations also coming into the picture. In the end, this toxic mix gets the worst of us as a social group.”

This Orwell award winning apercu:

"The pandemic has forced all of us, citizens and policy-makers alike, willingly or not, to enter into a philosophical debate about how to maximize the common good in the least damaging way possible.”

O ye Americans, get with the program: (sorry Walt)

"In the US, the CDC estimated in 2017 that depression affected more than 26% of adults. Approximately 1 in 20 report moderate to severe symptoms. At that time, it also predicted that 25% of American adults would suffer from mental illness during the year and almost 50% would develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime. Similar figures (but maybe not as severe) and trends exist in most countries around the world.”

And you will never get over it:

“For many people, traversing the COVID-19 pandemic will be defined as living a personal trauma. The scars inflicted may last for years. To start with, in the early months of the outbreak, it was all too easy to fall victim to the biases of availability and salience.”

Philosophers should study this book as a resource of examples of fallacies and psychologists and sociologists as a digest of simplisms.  Others may view it as greenwash authoritarianism but one thing it isn’t - a conspiracy.  It’s out there in the open with the useful idiots hoping to be invited to a junket.

 A good essay on Schwab’s plans for building back better with reference to previous books that indicate that covid is viewed as an accelerant for plans which have been under the Schwab dome for years. Nothing new essentially.

fascist reset


zmkc said...

How on earth could you bear to wade through this execrable stuff? I suppose out of the sensible belief that one should know one's enemy.

ombhurbhuva said...

The stern reply would be: that you don't have to. It's the deep stupidity of a certain kind of intelligence that is so fascinating. Evelyn Waugh thou shouldst be living at this hour. Though I did not mention it, he shyly asks us to consider eugenics via a brain chip which you might have thought was forever spoiled by excessive enthusiasm. Yet they turn up at Davos. Biden's slogan was 'build back better'. Destroy more definitively.

john doyle said...

The link at the bottom of the post doesn't work. But your post woke me to the possibility of regarding the pandemic as a shock doctrine intervention, systematically cowing the herd into submission to schemes already hatched by the alliance of big business and big government. Extend the panopticon, continue to absorb small businesses into megacorporations, eliminate and automate service-sector jobs, downsize office overhead while increasing productivity by forcing workers to outfit their own home offices and keeping them on call 24-7, attach a meter to the sun and the wind...

Your observations about covid being but one among many "boomer removers" also got me thinking about quality-adjusted life years in the context of abortion. How does one compare the aggregate QALY of a million 75-year-olds with a million fetuses? My body, my choice? Wear a mask; wear a condom?

ombhurbhuva said...

That link works now I think. Winter Oak is persuaded that even covid itself may be very coincidental given that in 2016 Davos war gamed a pandemic. Just because Schwab looks like a Bond villain sans cat does not mean that he is not sinister. Pappli Klaus may also be Insanity Klaus. The Gates wing of Davos is already taking care of the unborn. Look at the W.E.F. video:

Biden’s slogan build back better is from the W.E.F. Hitler was hilarious until he wasn’t.

john doyle said...

Interesting. I don't doubt that corporate executives and shareholders take every opportunity to gain financially from even the most dire catastrophe. The tech-heavy US NASDAQ stock index actually gained 22% from the beginning of the covid selloff in mid-February 2020 to the November elections. In the 4 months since then NASDAQ's climb has continued apace. It's likely that the corporate world looked with favor on the Democrats' proposals to push healthcare, tech, education, and alternative energy, spending profligately on R&D and infrastructure without actually taking any ownership in the industries that stand to profit from their largesse. That's unlike China's corporate socialism = governmental capitalism, which is the team to beat/emulate in terms of GNP growth.

As for efforts to control the spread of covid -- have they been worthwhile? effective? I think I'll write a post about it, though you can likely anticipate where the numbers are liable to lead me. Meanwhile and probably not coincidentally, Ireland has reported no cases of influenza this season.

ombhurbhuva said...

Not surprising that there are fewer cases of flu with the prophylactic measure been taken. PCR test is another contentious issue. That the numbers are going down. Partial herd immunity may be a cause for that, maybe. There is so much that is unknown. At this point the pols have to take a grip and move along with the acceptance of endemic covid much as we accept the flu.

skholiast said...

this was hilarious and depressing by turns.
"The pandemic has forced all of us, citizens and policy-makers alike, willingly or not, to enter into a philosophical debate about how to maximize the common good in the least damaging way possible".
What under the great revolving crystal spheres is that supposed to mean? I hope whoever is monitoring plate tectonics near JS Mill's grave has taken the earphones off.
"Citizens and policy-makers alike" -- nice that they are rediscovering the common touch.

ombhurbhuva said...

The damage that might be done should the felicific calculus fall into the wrong hands. You will own nothing and you will be happy. You will rent everything. They have surpassed the Soviet scheme and tricked it out in tawdry greenery.

Covid appears to be winding down in the Red states of America. Soon paudeen will be able to copy you and get on with things. As a confirmed introvert living in the country things are much as they were without the browsing.
Best Wishes for both your healths,