Monday 2 November 2020

Tractatus by Derek Mahon

Tractaus by Derek Mahon

‘The world is everything that is the case’

From the fly giving up in the coal-shed

To the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

Give blame, praise, to the fumbling God

Who hides, shame-facedly, His aged face

Whose light retires behind its veil of cloud


The world, though, is also much more -

Everything that is the case imaginatively

Tacitus believed that mariners could hear

The sun sinking into the western sea;

And who would question that titanic roar,

The steam rising wherever the edge may be? 


skholiast said...

I've been rearranging my shelves & just pulled Mahon down having not read him for a long while, so it's nice to see him here as well. The poem that stopped me was "Antarctica", a villanelle that makes Lawrence Oates' last recorded words into one of the refrains. I'm not really one for poems that eulogize national heroes but this one just bypasses all that.

ombhurbhuva said...

A little more Mahon for you today. 'Antartica' very fine too. He wrote a lot and his rhymes can clang betimes. Lots of the good true stuff.