Tuesday 5 July 2022

Justin E.H. Smith on Ultrasound pictures of ?


Justin E.H. Smith in his substack essay has presented a congeries of irony, paralepsis and willed cognitive dissonance.  There’s probably a name for it in Rhetoric.  What he has done is offer a series of observations and arcane illustrations which run counter to the common philosophical argument for the moral right to abort because there is no value bearing person at issue other than the mother.  Having expressed his dissent, deictically as it were, he then concludes :

I am not saying anything “for” or “against” abortion here. I do not use this space for advocacy. As it happens I think the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was horribly wrong, and yet another symptom of the decline of participatory democracy in the United States.

Read at:

Justin's Ultrasound

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