Wednesday 29 July 2020

Mantras and Sabda in the Nyaya Manjari of Jayanta Bhatta

Eliot Deutsch who died last month at the age of 89 provides a corrective note to the very common attitude of embarrassment some prominent Western scholars of Indian philosophy feel because of its religious aspect. Somehow they think that this is, as it were, déclassé, and not quite respectable. This perhaps accounts for the popularity of the Nyaya system which is strongly logical.

Advaita Vedanta is the non-dualistic system of Vedanta expounded primarily by Sankara (ca. 788-820). It has been, and continues to be, the most widely accepted system of thought among philosophers in India, and it is, we believe, one of the greatest philosophical achievements to be found in the East or the West.(from Adavita Vedanta; A Philosophical Reconstruction)

Advaita Vedanta is a religion as much as it is a technical philosophy; it is a way of spiritual realization as well as a system of thought. This intimacy between religion and philosophy in Advaita Vedanta, as in much of the Indian tradition, has been pointed out frequently. It bears constant repetition, however, for there are still a few philosophers who, in their desire to find a dominant naturalistic tradition in India, are determined to neglect (or even to deny) this relationship.

As I wrote
even in Nyaya the Vedas are regarded as authoritative and effective.

Similarly the truth of mantras is cognized by us. In cases of scorpion-bites or snake-bites or the taking of poison (magic formulas) are recited to heal the persons. The persons affected get themselves immune from poison.........When evil clouds which hurl thunderbolts at random hover over the cornfields the dange of crops is averted by the recital of mantras.

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