Thursday 21 May 2020

Astavakra says Abide, with Me, with Yourself, whatever.

Astavakra in his own way is quite Cartesian. He tends to ignore the great insoluble problems and remain, abide as he puts it, with the immediate data of consciousness. What is going on now? Is this awareness that I now have whether quiet in the artificial cocoon of meditation or in the normal engagement with the sensible; is this awareness, immediate and transparent? Even though the content is constantly changing this power remains as the single fixed aspect. Abide with that and let it lead you to the present moment.

He remarks in the chapter on Peace XVIII para.15:

He who sees the universe may try to deny it. What has the desireless to do? He sees not even though he sees.

A beguiling Advaitin suggestion: the universe is real as an appearance.

A final word:

He, indeed, controls himself who sees distraction in himself. But the great one is not distracted. Having nothing to accomplish, what does he do?
(from Astavakra Samhita trans. Swami Nityaswarupananda pub. Advaita Ashrama)

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