Friday 1 May 2020

Fact Blindness

Metaphysics concerns itself with the transcendental hypothesis namely how things must be at a fundamental level for things to appear as they do or for us to have the intuitions that we do. Some people feel that our intuition that chairs exist is something that needs to be justified. That is one concern and not very pressing to the majority of the populace. Is the corona virus a huge threat unless drastic action is taken is an empirically arguable proposition? Some people who feel very strongly that their liberties are unduly constrained are succumbing to a ‘besides’. One intelligent individual is holding that there are no excess deaths. He is saying this on the basis of statistics which other and more sophisticated statisticians say show 60% extra deaths in the relevant quarter. Who is right? I think that our friends animus against a government of moral imbeciles has caused momentary fact blindness – a treatable autogenic condition. Flash philosophy scotosis is more refractory. Do chairs exist? It all depends on what you mean by exist? And away we go.

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