Tuesday 5 March 2024

Hope is cheaper than despair.


My tweets of the moment are grim and dark even melodramatically so. But that’s the nature of the tweet. I write:

Compared to Repeal (of the 8th Amendment) all other social ‘improvements’ are tinsel and glitter. Ireland is on the skids heading towards a sea of evil.

At least we haven’t been presented with the argument that ‘durable relationships’ would strengthen marriage, so far.

By the branches of Rhetoric: No Logos (reasons), Ethos (testimonials from celebrities), lashings of Pathos (emotional manipulation). Such is the referendum debate from the Yes/Yes party.

At this point I can hardly add much to those sentiments. Repeal did the most serious, indeed deadly, damage to Childhood, Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Family. These proposed amendments are merely tidying around the edges, cleaning up the debris and facilitating the erosion of the nation state and in time its destruction. At this point they look likely to be defeated. I hardly dare hope that this could be a return to moral sanity in the way that some small event could recall a different world. I remember the cop that got one of the pair of serial killers that went around Ireland years ago to confess by asking him if he remembered the day of his First Holy Communion. Everything is captured in Memory as Bergson wrote and can be a key.

Socio-Political analysis would deny this and point out that a deeply unpopular government is having its claret tapped. That too and the Covidology Codology that continues to rankle even among those who were taken in by it, perhaps especially those. We’ve gone all antithetical as it were or contrary. Bile to be purged, boils to be lanced and the Green Party to be put away like the toys we are bored with and won’t bother to buy batteries for.

Let’s hope. It’s cheaper than despair and you can always return it.

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