Monday 18 December 2023

Little Swimmers


Professor Liz Harman has the common view about pregnancy that choice folk hold.  When welcome it is a precious event that is shared with others and the medium favoured is a sonogram of the little swimmer.  If miscarried at this point there is sadness and loss.

Now if the pregnancy is unwelcome there is a medical situation that needs to be rectified.  There is magically not a pregnancy which would imply in the course of nature a birth.

The strangely normal thing is that the same woman can have both these attitudes at different times.  Objectively the reality of there being a little sportive swimmer is the same in both cases.

What is our likely attitude toward that moral stance?  How would one view such mutability?  As a mother with a favourite child, as a moral imbecile, a confused person, and probably not our first choice as a friend.  They have intrinsic value even if they don’t recognise it.  Would or should you trust them?

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