Tuesday 1 February 2022

Covidology de Jour

 There’s that American expression - ‘what just happened’.  An event, baffling, deep, inscrutable, has occurred and we require explanation.  What precisely were the forces at play?  It might be useful to know and vital for our future safety.  Bojo’s birthday bash has released Ireland from its thrall to a ‘narrative’ that was thin as grocer’s bacon and like it also in that the various slices are difficult to separate.

Was there a ‘they’, dark forces of malign intent or a convergence of profound mismanagement?  Corona was recognised by clever people as being of artificial origin indicating lab leak which was followed by denial and implications of tin foil toppers by those who had lots of connection to Wuhan.  There was a ‘they’ there forming a nucleus of catastrophe manufacture and saving themselves by a creation of diversion.  Very early in the pandemic the gradation of risk was known but only the Swedes made the correct choices.  Incompetence was a factor and mediocrity and a political system that was like a steam engine with a defective governor.  Pressure kept building up without the journalistic valve and it was the exhaustion of the viral fire that saved us and Boris saying ‘party on dudes’.

What of the panto villain Klaus der Schlub, behind you, behind you?  Mockery is the remedy for Davos applied topically and liberally.  The unvaxxed will not forget.

P.S.  Now I understand Neil Young’s line:

When you’re young enough to repay

But not old enough to sell.

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