Friday 26 November 2021

Vaxx the Kids

 And now that they are going to allow/approve (there’s a nest of weasels in there) the vaccination of children from 5 to 11 in Ireland more and more authoritative voices expressing concern begin to emerge.  This for instance from a British cardiologist:

cardio fears

Why not look on the bright side, the children will be taking on the noble risk of protecting the adults who are already vaxxed to 90%.  If they come down with conditions related to the vaccine then the parents will recoup some of the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.   If they are cognitively adversely affected these children when adults can go into politics.  On the other hand if too grossly damaged for that slight challenge the obvious need for an accelerated program of euthanasia will be apparent.  The cull will be a stern but ultimately compassionate foundation for the future when we build back better.

Here’s a B.B.Better compilation from Irish politicians who are so progressive they are passing themselves out and looking back ‘askance’ at the old them.

Build Back Nios Fearr (better)

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