Thursday 22 April 2021

The Good Person

 That unfashionable thing: an intuition.

Have any of you ever met a good person? A partial aspect of such a one would be their spontaneity. In fact we might be disinclined to grant that accolade if they had to think through options.


George said...

I have met a number of good persons. Some of them have had to think through options, for example when sitting down in a restaurant and considering the menu, or beginning a school term and choosing classes.

ombhurbhuva said...

I think the intuition can be salvaged. Let me put it in a formula:
Virtues.....Practice......Perfection......through connaturality with the good, as per Aristotle, immediate insight into the morally sound. A curriculum/menu/classes may be tangential to ethics but not necessarily so. Knowledge and practice brings quick decisions in their trail, a conspectus ensues.

zmkc said...

I have come across one or two priests who appeared to be mildly saintly. Presumably their professional life enhanced that quality in them, but I suspect they were born with a greater propensity to goodness than others possess to begin with. For most of us, trying to be good is the best we can manage probably.

ombhurbhuva said...

My belief is that the world is prevented from implosion through the action of unknown saints and holy people praying for humanity. The Little Flower is the patron saint of the missions and she was in an enclosed order. That I know sounds dolally to the dominant materialist world view.