Saturday 9 January 2021

The Geese on the Capitol

 Were said boo to.  The word ‘storm’ is used in all the reports.  Now to me that means a determined assault on a fortification.  No ‘storm’ is over in 5 mins. with no resistance from the defenders.  Very strange considering that the presence of a large crowd of protesters was expected among whom would be violent types up for mayhem.  There was a very inadequate preparation.

Could it have been a bear trap which conveniently Trump fell into?  If appropriate precautions had been taken the mob would have never got near the main building.  Then the fallacy of post hoc propter hoc would not be installed in the mind.  Here is sedition and insurrection made patent that points back to the sedition of electoral fraud claims.  How very adjacent.


George said...

Commonly post is propter, else the notion of causality would never have occurred to anyone. "Post hoc propter hoc" is a fallacy only when one cannot establish causality. The president has been asserting electoral fraud, without evidence, with success in courts commonly dominated by Republican-appointed justices. He invited a mob, he encouraged a mob. If you care to see behind this the hand of Nancy Pelosi or George Soros, well, more power to your vision.

There are protests in Washington, DC, all the time. I have wished that there could be a calendar to tell one just who is using bullhorns in Lafayette Square on any given day. Almost never do the demonstrators attempt to fight the police. Evidently the Capitol Police were unprepared; but there was not much precedent to go on.

The ingenuity of those who wish to excuse the president resembles that of those who have a formula to square the circle, or who have short proofs of Fermat's last theorem. But I think that they will go down in history as comparable to the fellow who almost got the Indiana Legislature to decree that the value of pi is 3.25.

George said...

For "with success" read "without success".

ombhurbhuva said...

Have a look at this George and tell me what you think

ombhurbhuva said...

And when you're done with that have a look at this. Stop talking about no evidence.