Wednesday 9 December 2020

Christmas Menu and Lullaby

((Svengali - Et maintenant dors, ma mignonne!  Et maintenant dormir, mon cher!))

Before the First World War an editorial in the Skibbereen Eagle (West Cork) began - The Skibbereen Eagle has its eye on the Tsar.  I have my eye on President Trump for the moment and foresee the Biden Xmas dinner. (excuse the bog French)

Turkey a la Orange avec les petites ballotines farci

Aperitif: Ruby Porto

Pommes de Terre ‘big guy’ / Jus Burismo surtout

Desert: Freeman souffle Y’all.

The Biden trot looks like a donkey evading a halter but of one thing we may be sure - he did not mastermind this farce.   Maybe no one did.  Maybe the materials were left lying around and right thinking people did the right thing.   If it had occurred in the Ukraine there would be talk of sending an observer there to oversee the elections in future.  Hunter, there’s a job for you.

One positive: with years of talk of American interference in the election there may not be time to start a foreign war.  Ah General Blinken.  Cue  “Wynken, Blynken and Nod”



George said...

The notion that Trump was done wrong astonishes me: not that he should say so, but that others, particularly others without material interests in the administration of the US, should believe him. The White Queen's feat of believing impossible things before breakfast is diminished, for now quantities of people believe the implausible all day long.

ombhurbhuva said...

Essentially George this situation is, for the philosophic mind, far better than any ingenious thought experiment. A thought experiment along the same lines as what has transpired would be this. Suppose a game of chess in which one of the players was convinced that the pawns were allowed to move like bishops and being indulged in that error claims that his victory is a chess victory. Is it? If not, why not?

George said...

This is the thought experiment of the "terrible twos", in which a child attempts by tantrums and other bad behavior to refute the subject-object distinction. It is repeated, I suppose, by pretty much every human who survives to an age to attempt it, and the results are 100% conclusive: there is a distinction. A few, generally those with sufficient family money, can ignore the results, and pretend that it came out otherwise. Still, it is so.

I suppose that I would find this more amusing if I didn't live here.