Thursday 27 August 2020

Dharmakirti, an Idealist?

Professor Birgit Kellner in her discussion of the idealism of Dharmakirti, and if indeed he was one offers this citation from his Pramanavarttika in which, at least to my mind, he appears to be one and virtually ready to be snagged by the crozier of Bishop Berkeley.

If cognition has the form of the object, what evidence is there for the external object?39 If cognition is without the form of the object, how could
it be an experience of that object?
If cognition’s having the nature of awareness is not conditioned by resemblance, then that nature of awareness is established of the cognition
just from cognition itself (svata eva). What is then contributed by an external object?
(from: dharmakirti idealism

This does not seem so far away from the position that Shankaracarya impugns in Brahma-Sutra-Bhasya II.ii.28.

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