Tuesday 24 May 2022

Professor Chantal Delsol on Reversion to Paganism

It used to be said that the bad things that were happening in the world were due to its being on the cusp of the Kali Yuga. The Kali Yuga is the iron age of mechanism, materialism and lack of religion and dharma generally. I think we have a long way to go before a cusp is reached. Prof. Chantal Delsol concurs. Her central point in this essay and youtube talk is that Christendom has given way to a new paganism: reversion youtube She likens it to the opposite event that happened when the pagan culture that accepted as licit abortion, infanticide, easy divorce etc was replaced by a Christian view of those practices as deeply sinful. Pius Aeneas was no longer pious and that Roman bafflement is the modern sentiment of Christian nostalgia. It’s time to hit the catacombs again. Reversion is simplistic would be the counter. The Greeks and Romans alike believed in Gods which our moderns repudiate for crystals and Climate. Is it true that the classical chattering classes believed in gods? The paper of Paul Veyne on this topic (did the Greeks believe in their myths) doubts it. By parity of reasoning we might ask whether Christianity in its rigorous form was ever popular? Yes we are all sinners or mired in maya and so on but the fact remains, Christ happened, the avatars happened. We become divinised by meditation on their presence; the truth which is the core of the eternal dharma (sanathana dharma) and beyond civilisational crisis. �

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