Wednesday 31 March 2021

Vaccine Repugnance

 Odd things are happening in  the discussion of moral repugnance in relation to the use of vaccines derived from abortion tissue.  The disanalogy which I mentioned before has been mentioned by a philosopher whose speciality is the crafting of complex thought experiments:

"The use of the cell-lines in itself is not innately morally evil (after all, it need not be wrong to transplant an organ from a murder victim).”

vaccine doubt

I hope that he means a murder done to provide an organ which outside China must be extremely rare.falun gong organs

An ordinary murder would not supply any organ probably even if the victim had signed an organ donor card or relatives were willing to allow harvesting.  Autopsy!

This occlusion of nous in one normally extremely punctilious might be caused by fear generated by extraordinary measures such as mandatory mask wearing, social distancing and lockdown. People are unsettled and extremely suggestible and forget that Covid mortality is low and mostly within the elderly co-morbid at an age in which life itself is co-morbidity.

Public Discourse has been promoting the moral licity of covid vaccines derived as they believe in the dim and distant from aborted tissue.   Are those cell lines really immortal or have they to be renewed or improved at long intervals?  Grisly harvesting goes on:

"Every month, Lishan Su receives a small test tube on ice from a company in California. In it is a piece of liver from a human fetus aborted at between 14 and 19 weeks of pregnancy.”  (from ‘Scientific American’ 12/9/15 - ‘The Truth about Fetal Tissue Research’ -


Willing the end requires willing the means if there is no other causal nexus  offered.

Richard Stith in dialogue with Melisa Moschella (Public Discourse article) argues that natural repugnance is a good indicator of moral licity.  What the good man thinks to be good is good was Aristotle’s position in the Nichomachean Ethics.  Repugnance felt by the general population is not reliable, a point which Moschella does not attend to when she offers the disgust felt at miscegenation in the past.

"But because these evils are in the past and are not perpetuated by the current use of HEK 293, moral repugnance at the vaccines themselves is misplaced. My answer would be the same if the cell line were derived from the tissue of someone killed in a Nazi concentration camp.” (Moschella)

No one is claiming that concentration camps continued at a controlled level might yield research useful to humanity.  Lishan Su continues to receive his grams of flesh because the majority believe that there is no other option which is not correct.

You can take the whole article as a exercise in professional casuistry or the occlusion of nous.  Worth a read anyway:

moral repugnance

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