Saturday 2 February 2019

On the Nature of the Emotions in Vedanta

Dr. Elisa Freschi has been writing on the nature of the emotions in Vishistadvaita Vedanta (qualified non-dualism):


These are very interesting areas of discussion with complex variations between the different schools. I have been trying to get my thoughts together recently on the notion of the mind going out and taking the form of the object as is held by advaitins in their theory of perception. For them, emotion is a perception but my understanding is that emotion only exists as and when it is known. It cannot be an unknown object (ajnanatta satta).

unknown object

This contrasts with the Freudian/Dualist theory of repression or emotions which are there and unconsciously blocked. Emotional energy is dammed up in the classic hydraulic metaphor and requires discharge through abreaction, catharsis, cathexis and all the very Greek engines of liberation.

Is the mind of the sage involved in either going or coming?

mind of the sage

The emotion may not arise. The sky of the mind (cliche alert) is cloudless and any little storm is soon dissipated. The sage catches himself on as it were.

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